The base instruction is placed over Unfortunately at this moment (17th of December 2016) It does not cover an instruction for Windows.
One option could be to use Windows Subsystem for Linux :) If this is not an option then remaining options are:
- Compile the latest Emscripten locally
- Use pre-compiled version
Required tools:
- git
- python2.7 (not required to be in system path)
- Visual Studio 2015
Step by step:
- Pull the latest Emscripten SDK from repository
This is crucial, because a linked SDK on the WebAssembly page and on the Emscripten page will point to the latest released SDK – what is 1.35.0, what is lacking a required functionality.git clone cd emsdk
- Configure EMSDK to use python2.7
Emscripten requires Python 2.7 to run. If you use primarily python 3 in system, then it’s required to install python 2.7 inside emsdk. Well.. this process also requires python 2.7. In my case I have installed python 2.7 in C:\Python27c:\Python27\python.exe emsdk install python-
After this, it’s not needed to refer to C:\Python27 because every time when you call emsdk.bat it chooses one installed inside c:\emsdk\python\
- Update list of available packages
⚠️ Absolutely important issue is do not call emsdk update. It pulls the latest released version, so it will downgrade version what we cloned. ⚠️Instead of that execute:emsdk update-tags
- Next, install the latest nightly build. You can find a list after typing:
emsdk list
# output ... The following tools can be compiled from source: clang-tag-e1.36.14-32bit clang-tag-e1.36.14-64bit clang-incoming-32bit clang-incoming-64bit clang-master-32bit clang-master-64bit emscripten-tag-1.36.14-32bit emscripten-tag-1.36.14-64bit emscripten-incoming-32bit emscripten-master-32bit emscripten-incoming-64bit emscripten-master-64bit binaryen-master-64bit The following precompiled SDKs are available for download: (Run "./emsdk update" to pull in the latest list) sdk-nightly-1.36.14-2016_12_15_18_56-64bit sdk-nightly-1.36.14-2016_12_16_13_45-64bit sdk-1.30.0-64bit sdk-1.34.1-64bit sdk-1.35.0-64bit ...
⚠️ Still important, don’t run emsdk update, it will downgrade SDK ⚠️
Choose either pre-compiled, or the latest version from incoming
1) Compile the latest Emscripten locally
ℹ️ This process takes 20-40 minutes
- Compile incoming branch
emsdk install sdk-incoming-64bit --vs2015 --build=Release
- Activate
emsdk activate sdk-incoming-64bit
2) Use pre-compiled release
In my case I decided to install the latest nightly version: sdk-nightly-1.36.14-2016_12_15_18_56-64bit
- Installation
emsdk install sdk-nightly-1.36.14-2016_12_15_18_56-64bit
This will install tools:
– emscripten-llvm-e1.36.14-2016_12_15_18_56
– clang-nightly-e1.36.14-2016_12_15_18_56-64bit
– node_4.1.1_64bit
– python- – It’s already installed, so it will skip this one
– portable_jre_7_update_45_64bit - Activation
ℹ️ It’s required to update system PATH in current console sessionemsdk activate sdk-nightly-1.36.14-2016_12_15_18_56-64bit
- Create test source codeCreate a file
with content#include <iostream> int main(int argc, char** argv) { std::cout << "Hello from WebAssembly"; return 0; }
Execute command
emcc hello.cpp -s WASM=1 -o hello.html
You might notice, that before actual compilation the tool will compile ‘binaryen‘, this is totally fine. It will happen only with first compilation.
- Run a test
For this it’s required to either create a http server with command:start "" python -m SimpleHTTPServer
Next, open a browser that supports WebAssembly and navigate to localhost:8080/hello.html
As an alternative, you can use emrun:
start "" emrun hello.html
It will run a server and start a default browser. For more information how to use it, see
emrun --help
ℹ️ Command start “” program … opens new console, without blocking current one.
Was it useful? Don’t forget to leave a Kudos down here!
it’s “incoming”, not “incomming” otherwise it’s clear ^^
Thx, fixed :)
Thank you for a very informative article! I was able to get wasm running on my Windows 10 machine thanks to this.
I did run across two issues. First, I had to copy rc.exe and rcdll.dll from C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\bin\x86\ to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin\.
Second, inside the emsdk file itself, function fix_potentially_long_windows_pathname has this return statement:
return ‘\\\\?\\’ + os.path.normpath(pathname.replace(‘/’, ‘\\’))
It didn’t work until I deleted the ‘\\\\?\\’+ at the start, making it
return os.path.normpath(pathname.replace(‘/’, ‘\\’))
After that all went well.
Thanks again!
Thank you for your commend and suggestion.