Adobe scout is great profiling tool sometimes is annoying but only in usability wise.
During profiling application life cycle I have found some peeks of GC process. Like here:
Nothing special at quick look, I thought that some uncleaned reference especially that body looks like:
public static function multiplyMatrixVectors(matrix1:Vector.<Number>, matrix2:Vector.<Number>, result:Vector.<Number> = null):Vector.<Number> { result ||= new Vector.<Number>(16, true); // multiplication code here return result; }
So at first point I ensured myself that in every place I’m using some kind of worker instance of result just to reuse product of this method. It was clear. But GC problem still exits.
After that I started undermine statement “instance ||= new Instance()” And I thought that maybe in some case ‘new’ operator is called even if condition is not fulfilled. Quick trace inside TestClass. And it’s not called. That’s OK. But problem exists.
I did lucky shot, and I changed it to:
public static function multiplyMatrixVectors(matrix1:Vector.<Number>, matrix2:Vector.<Number>, result:Vector.<Number> = null):Vector.<Number> { if(!result) result = new Vector.<Number>(16, true); // multiplication code here return result; }
Problem has gone!
But wait. Why?
I checked deasembled code and it looks exactly the same:
public static function multiplyMatrixVectors(param1:Vector.<Number>, param2:Vector.<Number>, param3:Vector.<Number> = null) : Vector.<Number> { if(!param3) { param3 = new Vector.<Number>(16,true); } // multiplication code here return param3 }
There should be some difference. But not in this form. So let’s check ABC code:
IF statement
trait method Qname(PackageNamespace(""),"multiplyMatrixVectors") dispid 0 method name "multiplyMatrixVectors" flag HAS_OPTIONAL flag HAS_OPTIONAL flag HAS_PARAM_NAMES param TypeName(Qname(PackageNamespace("__AS3__.vec"),"Vector")<Qname(PackageNamespace(""),"Number")>) param TypeName(Qname(PackageNamespace("__AS3__.vec"),"Vector")<Qname(PackageNamespace(""),"Number")>) param TypeName(Qname(PackageNamespace("__AS3__.vec"),"Vector")<Qname(PackageNamespace(""),"Number")>) paramname "matrix1" paramname "matrix2" paramname "result" optional null returns TypeName(Qname(PackageNamespace("__AS3__.vec"),"Vector")<Qname(PackageNamespace(""),"Number")>) body maxstack 5 localcount 4 initscopedepth 0 maxscopedepth 1 code getlocal_0 pushscope getlocal_3 iftrue ofs0015 getlex Qname(PackageNamespace("__AS3__.vec"),"Vector") getlex Qname(PackageNamespace(""),"Number") applytype 1 pushbyte 16 pushtrue construct 2 coerce TypeName(Qname(PackageNamespace("__AS3__.vec"),"Vector")<Qname(PackageNamespace(""),"Number")>) setlocal_3 ofs0015:getlocal_2
||= statement
trait method Qname(PackageNamespace(""),"multiplyMatrixVectors") dispid 0 method name "multiplyMatrixVectors" flag HAS_OPTIONAL flag HAS_OPTIONAL flag HAS_PARAM_NAMES param TypeName(Qname(PackageNamespace("__AS3__.vec"),"Vector")<Qname(PackageNamespace(""),"Number")>) param TypeName(Qname(PackageNamespace("__AS3__.vec"),"Vector")<Qname(PackageNamespace(""),"Number")>) param TypeName(Qname(PackageNamespace("__AS3__.vec"),"Vector")<Qname(PackageNamespace(""),"Number")>) paramname "matrix1" paramname "matrix2" paramname "result" optional null returns TypeName(Qname(PackageNamespace("__AS3__.vec"),"Vector")<Qname(PackageNamespace(""),"Number")>) body maxstack 5 localcount 4 initscopedepth 0 maxscopedepth 1 code getlocal_0 pushscope getlocal_3 iftrue ofs0013 getlex Qname(PackageNamespace("__AS3__.vec"),"Vector") getlex Qname(PackageNamespace(""),"Number") applytype 1 pushbyte 16 pushtrue construct 2 setlocal_3 ofs0013:getlocal_2
There is only one difference. When I’m using IF statement there is extra type casting.
coerce TypeName(Qname(PackageNamespace("__AS3__.vec"),"Vector")<Qname(PackageNamespace(""),"Number")>)
That is only one different between 2 swf files. But it influences on GC in some way. Why? because that is in iftrue scope. I have no idea. So far when I have no answer for this I will avoid this (very comfortable) statement.
- AIR SDK 14.0.0
- Inline: false
- Compile target Flash Player 14.0
- Adobe Scout CC 1.1.3
- FFDEC v.2.1.3
From what I read some time ago, this is only a problem when using ASC2, but I cannot fully confirm.